Company Information

The Ark's company & charity details and annual reviews

The registered trading office of The Ark is 11a Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2.

The Ark Children’s Cultural Centre, is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital, registered in Dublin, Ireland with registered company number 222774.

The Ark Children’s Cultural Centre [CLG] is also a charity with CHY number 11334. and RCN 20030827.

The Ark Annual Reviews are available below:

The Ark’s annual financial statements are produced in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice for charities and not-for profit entities as developed in the UK in 2005 (SORP) which is accepted as best practice in Ireland.


The Ark is committed to good governance and the organisation complies with the regulatory requirements of the Governance Code. We maintain detailed financial records and controls and make our audited financial statements available publicly.

We comply with all regulatory requirements and operate in accordance with our Constitution. You can see a list of current Board of Directors and our staff team here.

Senior Staff Remuneration

The Ark is committed to complying with the Statement for Guiding Principles for Fundraising and has formally adopted the statement at a meeting of the governing body. See The Ark's full statement.

You can find details of The Ark's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy here.

The Ark is proud to have won the Annual Report Award in Category 4 our at The Good Governance Awards 2022.