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Culture Night at The Ark 21 Sep 2012

Families can have fun in The Ark's theatre and workshop space on Culture Night.

Fri 21 Sep 2012 5pm-9pm
Age range: All the family

Families can have fun on Culture Night in The Ark's theatre with a reading by actor Amy Conroy, or music performances with vocalist Lorna McLaughlin (from The Henry Girls), half hourly from 6pm to 8.30pm. Join Cathy Hayden in the workshop for willow craft workshops, half hourly 5.15pm – 7.15pm.

Performance times:
6.00 - Music
6.30 - Theatre
7.00 - Music
7.30 - Theatre
8.00 - Music
8.30 – Theatre

Art workshop times:

Free entry, no advance booking.
Tickets will be issued on a first come first served basis from 4.45pm on the night.

Children will be admitted to the workshop space in limited numbers at allotted times.

For more see