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Early Years Workshops: Creatures from the Mermaid's Purse 19 - 20 Jul 2024

Visual artist Jane Groves invites very young children (Ages 2-4) and their grown-ups to meet the Beautiful Beasts of the ocean in a play-filled art workshop!

Inspired by Silkie the Seal from The Ark’s sculpture collection, children will be invited to explore textures of the sea bed and create their own creatures.

Through storytelling and play, they will engage in a sensory exploration of the organisms of a watery world, both macro and micro.

About Jane Groves

Jane is a visual artist whose work is embedded in meaningful process-driven engagement and site-specific installation. Jane loves to connect people, places, and landscapes and specialises in working with young people, inspired by her own observations of nature and informed in part by many children’s lack of interaction with and vocabulary about the natural world. Jane delights in bringing her spark to very young children and their families, listening carefully and delighting in the creative response, encouraging passion, playfulness, and curiosity. Jane has worked extensively with children and communities through working with The Ark, Dublin City Council, Creativity In The Classroom, The Craft and Design Council, DLR, and many more.