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Grand Soft Day 28 Sep - 2 Oct 2022

The Ark and Dublin Theatre Festival present Grand Soft Day

A show of all seasons.

Splashing in puddles, wind whipping your hair, crunching frost under your feet, and rain dripping on your nose, now that’s a grand soft day. A playful show about always being prepared even though you do not know what the day will bring.

Commissioned by The Ark, Grand Soft Day is a predominantly non-verbal piece that combines physical storytelling, live music and colourful wellies performed by Greg Hall, Helen Gregg, Jonathan Gunning and Linda Scaramella.

An international co-production from the award winning teams of Branar and New International Encounter this curious and charming new show is for young children aged 2 - 6 years.

Curricular Links...

Attending and reflecting on theatre performances with your class will explore many of the key strands of the Drama and English curricula, particularly in relation to: examining the relationship between story, theme and life experience; using insights arising out of dramatic action to draw conclusions about life and people; receptiveness to language; competence and confidence in using language; emotional and imaginative development through language; reflection on drama and listening and responding.