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Online Lego Animation Workshops 26 - 28 Oct 2021

From the comfort of your own home this mid-term, learn how to make your own mini Lego movie in this live online workshop!

With plenty of hands-on learning and simple demonstrations, Createschool will take you on a journey from having a cool idea to making it into an awesome spooky movie. You will learn the different elements of stop motion animation as well as how to create a set, storyboard and plan for your movie, which you will then film, edit, and record.

If you would like to take part in this workshop in 'real life', we have a number of in-person sessions - you can find out more here.

Requirements for Participation

For safety reasons, a parent or grown-up should be present in the room throughout the session, and if necessary be available to assist their child, so you're very welcome to take part in the workshop alongside your child.

  • Computer/Tablet/Phone with internet access for Zoom – placed on a table at children’s eye level.
  • A table to sit at
  • A separate mobile device with Stop Motion Studio App (free version) downloaded on it (smartphone or tablet only please as laptops will not work).

Materials required:

  • A Lego Mini-figure (one is plenty)
  • Lego Bricks (about 20)
  • Blutack or equivalent (essential)
  • Lego Baseplate (if possible)
  • Paper, pen or pencil

Online platform: The workshop will be delivered using the Zoom video call software. This will be a private Zoom session which will only be accessed by those booked into the workshop, the artist and The Ark's staff. The session will be recorded for the safety and security of all participants, however this recording will not be shared publicly and will be deleted within 30 days.

About the Artists...

Createschool - where ideas flourish & imagination rules! Createschool delivers workshops in BrickFlicks Stop Motion Animation (with Lego), Songschool, Music Production, Film Making, Podcasting & Digital Animation in primary and secondary schools, arts centres, venues and festivals throughout Ireland.

Their themed workshops are designed to encourage students - young and old - to explore hidden talents and to creatively express themselves using stop motion, movie making, Lego, animation, music or podcasts. They facilitate ideas generation and there is a strong emphasis and focus on collaboration and the participation of all students - and most importantly, enjoyment! They creatively use mobile digital technology (smart phones, iPads etc) in all of their workshops to enable people to use the amazing abilities of technology for their creative applications rather than simply the practical capacities.

Check out our range of workshops online at