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Schools: Scottish Music Gig 30 Nov 2017

Acclaimed Scottish Folk group Kilda perform a special one-off gig for children at The Ark to celebrate St Andrew's Day.

The latest band to emerge on to the Scottish Music scene is Kilda, bringing together some of the finest young musicians. Together they have created a lively and energetic sound combining tunes and songs from their Scottish roots. Collectively Kilda consists of two BBC Young Traditional Musician of the Year Finalists, a winner of the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards and have also toured with Manran, Red Hot Chilli Pipers, Scott Wood Band, Norrie MacIver Band and Fat-Suit.

Kilda are: Norrie McIver – guitar and vocals, Mhairi Marwick – fiddle and Scott Wood – pipes. This gig is made possible by Scottish Government Innovation and Investment Hub in Ireland and Live Music Now

This special performance is being offered as an exclusive free gig for our ArkEd members.Call 01 670 7788 for more information or email