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Seedlings Early Years Workshops - May 3 - 5 May 2018

We kick off our new monthly early-years programme Seedlings with a special workshop perfect for children ages 2-4 to get creative with their older relatives.

Whether you're a grandparent, a parent, an uncle, or great aunt - this is your chance to enjoy a fun, interactive workshop together with your grandchild or young relative. Led by The Ark's Early Years Artist in Residence, Lucy Hill, it will be an experience that will stimulate imaginations of all ages!

The visual art workshops will offer opportunities to explore exciting materials in playful and engaging activities, ideal for getting little ones (and older ones!) imagining and creating together.

We are delighted to present this event as part of Bealtaine @ Temple Bar, organised in partnership with Age & Opportunity as part of the nationwide Bealtaine festival – celebrating the arts and creativity as we age