THE HAIRCUT 21 Mar - 6 Apr 2025

The Ark presents a tale for ages 8+ about magic, music, and hair by Wayne Jordan & Tom Lane.

Following its hugely successful run in 2019, The Ark is proud to present The Haircut.

In an Ireland just like ours, well almost, The Haircut is a fresh take on the old Irish fairytale of Labhraidh Loingseach,remixed and retold for ages 8 + accompanied by a vibrant and exciting live score.

The King has a secret. He wears his hair long.

Once a year he cuts it, on the same night, in the same place, in the same style - but never by the same barber!

The Haircut is a musical tale about secrets, creativity and being who you really are!

Curricular Links...

Attending and reflecting on theatre performances with your class will explore many of the key strands of the Drama and English curricula, particularly in relation to: examining the relationship between story, theme and life experience; using insights arising out of dramatic action to draw conclusions about life and people; receptiveness to language; competence and confidence in using language; emotional and imaginative development through language; reflection on drama and listening and responding.

A Classroom Activity Pack can be found here.