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TradFest Workshops: Make A Woolly Woodland 27 Jan 2024

Join textile artist Niki Collier and transform wool into a beautiful felt woodland picture of your very own in this craft workshop as part of TradFest Children's Hub 2024.

Have a go at this fun way to create your own unique artwork with wool! Using colourful wool fibres, a few drops of warm water and some soap, Niki will guide you through the process. We'll look at images of native Irish woodlands and animals for ideas.

Maybe you'll decide to use your wool to draw a robin, fox, hare or red squirrel in your felt picture? Or even a sheep?

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About Niki Collier

Niki is a textile artist from Dublin 8 who has a textile wonder nook in Marlay Park. She loves making and sharing ideas and giggles with artists of all ages.