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Baby Aliens and Spies with Pamela Butchart 21 May 2016

Baby aliens, vampire rat teachers and spies – primary school is an interesting place! Especially if you’re Blue Peter Book Award-winning author Pamela Butchart.

Come and join Pamela as she talks about her laugh-out-loud books and where she gets her madcap ideas from! Pamela’s events are always fun-filled with games, crafts and wild stories.

About Pamela:
As a child, Pamela was lucky enough to grow up in a house full of pets, have a mum and dad who were bonkers, and go to The Best Most Awesome Primary School in the WorldTM. As a student, Pamela’s student jobs included: fishwife, teaching basketball in America, phlebotomist, and Artist Liaison for a (really bad) Abba tribute band. Now, Pamela teaches philosophy to teenagers and spends all day pondering questions such as, ‘Is time travel possible?’ and ‘How do I know I’m not really a robot?’ The stories write themselves really.

Pamela lives in Dundee with her husband, Andy and their two cats, Bear & Carlos. Carlos only has one eye and is Pamela’s hero.

Some videos of Pamela: