Kit & Caboodle 27 Jan - 27 Jun 2025
Kit & Caboodle is a brand new FREE digital resource for teachers surrounding the visual art curriculum, designed and presented by The Ark and Dr. Lucy Hill.
Through this series of 4 short videos which can be watched whenever suits you best, Dr. Lucy demonstrates and explores the endless possibilities that mark making can bring to classrooms from Junior Infants to Sixth class.
Mark making is foundational to many artforms and can be seen as an experimental way of finding a personal ‘visual language’. Through experiments with different tools, mediums, surfaces and locations, we can discover marks that resonate with us, that we enjoy making, and that we can become skilled at making. We can come to understand how different marks can be ‘read’ as evidence of activity, movement or emotions, and we can each find our own way of expressing ourselves through mark making like artists do.
There is no right or wrong, just exploration, curiosity and endless possibilities.

About Dr. Lucy Hill
Lucy is a visual artist with expertise in the area of childhood art education. She was the inaugural Professor John Coolahan early years artist in residence at The Ark in 2018. She has exhibited her artwork widely, and her book ‘Everyday Artfulness’ was published in 2024. Lucy is an Assistant Professor of Visual Art Education at the School of Arts Education and Movement in Dublin City University.
Take Your Knowledge Into the Classroom
Dr. Lucy has created an accompanying resource pack containing deeper explorations into mark making as well as activities and prompts that you can try out in your classroom.