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Seedlings Workshops: Sewing Someone to Love 25 - 26 Jan 2019

Our Early Years Artist in Residence, Lucy Hill explores handmade crafts in this engaging workshop for ages 2-4. Part of the TradFest Children's Hub 2019

Inspired by Tradfest we are returning to the idea of making our own handmade toys – bringing our very own softies to life using lots of lovely material scraps, ribbon, googly eyes, wool and fabric markers.

With help from your grown-up and a sewing machine (you can work the pedal!), do your own designing, stuffing, add eyes and maybe a tail, it will be a unique one of a kind, just like you!

Ideal for getting little ones (and their grown-up!) imagining and creating together.

Our Seedlings workshops are devised and presented by Lucy Hill. Lucy is the inaugural recipient of The Ark’s John Coolahan Early Years Artist Residency and will be devising and delivering an exciting workshop programme for children in the early years at The Ark from May 2018 until April 2019. Find out more about Lucy here